Financial Protection for Financial Advisors
Your financial advisory firm faces numerous exposures to complaints an employee has violated the law or done wrong by a client.
Your financial advisory firm faces numerous exposures to complaints an employee has violated the law or done wrong by a client.
Professional liability responds to more abstract concerns, like mistakes you or your employees make while doing business.
In this article, we’ll cover the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) four key cybersecurity behaviors.
Commercial insurance rates are increasing on nearly every line of coverage, thanks to a rise in the frequency and severity of claims.
A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned by one person. Anyone can set up a sole proprietorship, making it one of the easiest and fastest ways to form a company.
Record-high inflation is pushing up the cost of everything, including property insurance.
Although a legal malpractice lawsuit is hard to win, clients will not hesitate to sue if they feel your service wasn’t up to par. Things like missing filing deadlines, skipping court dates, or making an agreement without client approval can set you up for a professional liability claim.
Employment lawsuits have jumped 400% in the past 20 years. In fact, companies with as few as 100 employees can expect to receive an employment practices claim once every three years. Defense costs can top out at $300,000 per case, and a resolution may take 18 to 24 months.
Cyber liability insurance is an insurance policy that provides businesses with a combination of coverage options to help protect the company from data breaches and other cyber security issues. It’s not a question of if your organization will suffer a breach, but when.
Oxnard-Based Insurance Brokerage Firm CEO to Speak During National Industry Event in Washington, D.C.